How I Am Passing the Time During the Writer’s Strike

An actor friend asked me yesterday what I’m doing during the downtime. My answer?  “Absolutely nothing.”  No classes, no teaching, no photo shoots. Nothing. And I’m not ashamed of it. 

My reel, resume, and materials are ALWAYS up to date, so I’m passing the time by working on my other job and just relaxing and enjoying the break.  Catching up with friends, working in the yard, and watching soccer! Of course, I’m doing the trickle of auditions that are coming in, but I’m not stressing about the slowdown. I think sometimes we always feel the need to keep doing SOMETHING to further our careers, but sometimes doing nothing at all is just as beneficial.  You need to give your brain, body, spirit, and soul a break once in a while.  It’s okay!  So if you’re inclined to chill out, don’t feel guilty about it. 

Of course if downtime is making you stir crazy or your training, headshots or resume are NOT up-to-date, you should spend the time catching things up! There are some great things you can do to prepare for when the strike(s) are over and we’re back at it. 

  1. Train. It’s summer and many classes are light and some are even running deals. If you need to be challenged and want to keep fresh, this is probably the best way to spend your downtime.  

  2. Get New Headshots.  One of my favorite photographers, like many others, are running deals to make ends meet while we’re idling.  Try out some new looks or freshen up what you have. You’ll also be helping support your fellow industry folks. 

  3. Update Your Online Materials. Sometimes, it feels like keeping our Actors Access, Website, and other acting-related sites is a full-time job, so if you have some free time, update, update, update. You probably have Actors Access and Casting Networks/LA Casting, but do you have your own website? No? (insert slap here). You can create one easily and inexpensively using a service like Squarespace (this website as well as my acting website were both created on Squarespace).

  4. Get a Job. If money is tight, explore getting a job not related to acting. It will help pay the bills and give you real life experience that will inform your acting choices.  Of course, most of us already have jobs outside of acting, but you could work more and save some cash.

  5. Volunteer.  This is a fabulous way to pass the time — and it’s good for the soul!

  6. Take Up a Hobby.  Learn to dance, pick up the guitar. Do something artistic to allow your creative side a release. And more skills always look good on a resume. 

  7. Travel. I have a good friend who takes a month off each year, packs up his Jeep and travels the country. If you’re not in classes and you have the time and money to do it, travel is a great way to relax, gain life experience and perspective, and have fun!

Whatever you do, try to enjoy yourself.  The strike will eventually end, and the flood gates will open. We’re all going to need to be refreshed and ready to go for what’s to come!


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